Say NO to Human Trafficking story_fbid=1799735170061356&id=100000746715402 After watching the music video I was silent as my tears flowed down on my cheeks. My heart ached. This educational music video will wound you with bitterness, punch you with painful reality and shoot you with the sharp bullets of truth. It exploits the different forms of human trafficking- reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced labor. This unending global phenomenon- human trafficking, should be solved. The horror behind affects all ages around the world mostly children and women. People are highly susceptible to human trafficking due to poverty, social status and in need of financial aspects. Human trafficking should be stopped since it is against the rights and will of the victims. It ransacks individuals opportunity. It is indeed inhuman. The victims end devastated, demoralized and defeated. It should be eradicated. It can also lead to psychological and emotion...